Chepel needs a Health Post

Chepel needs a Health Post

Health care and medical support of the villagers in Chepel and the surrounding villages is currently very unsatisfactory. The next “Health Post” with a nurse-like Comunity Health Worker is 2 days walking distance away. Severly sick people must be carried there in a basket or on a plastic chair strapped to the back of a porter. Chepel has only a very limited range of drugs and bandages, which was brought to the village through the association.

Another big wish of the people in Chepel and the surrounding villages therefore is

Building a “Health Post”

in Chepel. This post would be equipped with medicines and led by a specially trained nurse (ideally a woman from the village) and it it would provide medical support for urgencies and a certain triage on who can be treated with the equipment available at the Health Post and who needs to be transferred to a hospital.