Setup of Health Posts for Humans and Animals

Setup of Health Posts for Humans and Animals

The health care in Chepel and the surrounding villages is disastrous. The next health post with medical support, i.e. a hospital nurse, is a two days march away. The doctor, who can be reached most quickly, is in Kathmandu. There indeed is Lami, Karma’s sister-in-law, who has got a basic education in Kathmandu, and whom we consistently bring various medication (for pain, diarrhoea, simple antibiotics), but this is far from an adequate health care for the people in Chepel, how simple it may be.

Therefore, our next big project is the setup of a health post, again together with the Government. The health post must be affiliated to the Nepalese Health Care System to guarantee the provision of the required medication as well as its effective operation. Beside the installation of acute care, we also want to implement a prevention strategy by offering trainings covering hygiene, sickness prevention, familiy planning, waste avoidance, and more.

As for the animals in Chepel – pigs, buffaloes, goats and chicken – we face the same situation. Many families do have useful animal, however in a very low number. If such an useful animal is getting sick or even dies, it may lead to a complete loss of income for the affected family.

With the setup of a health post for animals not only medication for the acute care of the animals can be provided. Moreover prophylactic measurements like trainings regarding the handling of the animals, the recognition of disease, optimal housing for the animals, improvement of reproduction, and more could be offered.